COVID-19 Update
Due to COVID-19, we will be using our funding to pay for a new feeding program for malnourished children at two local low-income housing projects in the Vigan area (4C’s Village and Cadanglaan) and tablets and wifi for our 6 high school scholarship recipients.
Vigan schools are closed for this year, so our usual feeding programs at schools cannot be safely administered. The students are quarantining at home with their families and will pick up packets weekly to be completed at home.
If you’re interested in donating or starting your own chapter of F2S, please contact us!
Feed2succeed fund adopted schools
Since its inception, Feed2Succeed Fund has adopted eleven schools. When a school is adopted, the Rotary Club of Vigan in partnership with the Philippine Medical Association visits the school to examine the children to determine which students are malnourished. When deemed malnourished, the students are accepted into the feeding program. Students that are part of the feeding program are served daily, nutritious school lunches, are administered daily vitamins and minerals, and are given monthly medical and dental checkups.
busiing elementary school
Pilot adoption school
Adopted in 2014
2015-2016 School Year
36 malnourished children initially
25 children no longer malnourished
11 children still malnourished
2016-2017 School Year
26 malnourished children currently
Guimod Elementary School
2nd adoption school
Adopted in 2015
2015-2016 School Year
33 malnourished children initially
31 children no longer malnourished
2 children still malnourished
2016-2017 School Year
24 malnourished children currently
burgos west elementary school
3rd adopted school
Adopted in 2015
2015-2016 School Year
47 malnourished children initially
47 children no longer malnourished
2016-2017 School Year
35 malnourished children currently
Vigan central school
4th adopted school
Adopted 2015
2015-2016 School Year
46 malnourished children initially
34 children no longer malnourished
12 still malnourished
2016-2017 School Year
40 malnourished children currently
2017-2018 School Year
82 malnourished children initially
82 children no longer malnourished
Pangada cabaroan elementary school
5th adopted school
Adopted in 2016
Mother of founders Caroline and Carmina attended this school
Grandmother of founders Caroline and Carmina was principal of this school
2016-2017 School Year
21 malnourished children currently
palasipas elementary school
6th adopted school
Adopted in 2016
Aunts of founders Caroline and Carmina attended this school
2016-2017 School Year
Number of malnourished children TBD
San julian elementary school
7th adopted school
Adopted in 2017
2017-2018 School Year
20 malnourished children initially
No more malnourished children
Santa catalina elementary school
8th adopted school
Adopted in 2017
2017-2018 School Year
32 malnourished children initially
No more malnourished children
Silang elementary school
9th adopted school
Adopted in 2017
2017-2018 School Year
25 malnourished children initially
No more malnourished children
Bantay east elementary school
10th adopted school
Adopted in 2017
2017-2018 School Year
74 malnourished children initially
No more malnourished children
nagsangalan elementary school
11th adopted school
Adopted in 2018
2018-2019 School Year
Number of children TBD